
Providing a range of integrated solutions and specialist advice

From consultancy and complex assessments to package design and licensing, our solutions business line supports nuclear transport operations from beginning to end and anywhere in between.



Specialist analysis to understand and address a customer’s transport challenge and needs.

Criticality and shielding

Criticality and shielding

A proven track record in criticality and shielding supports customers with complex and challenging nuclear transports.

Criticality and shielding
Package design

Package design

Designing and testing packages to transport a wide range of nuclear materials by sea, rail and road.

Package design
Package licensing

Package licensing

A clear understanding of the transport licensing and regulatory landscape.

Package licensing
Security and resilience

Security and resilience

Using our expertise to help customers solve their own security and resilience challenges.

Security and resilience


All-round transport expertise and operational support from A to B.


Specialist nuclear transport operations

NTS represents decades of specialist nuclear transport operations. We maintain and invest in unique skills and capability through our work delivering the NDA’s mission and also through the work we do supporting our customers in the UK and overseas. 

Case studies

MOX fuel transport package
MOX fuel transport package – demonstrating package design innovation

MOX fuel transport package – demonstrating package design innovation

The NTS M4/12 MOX fuel transport package has improved shielding and thermal performance.