First shipments since start of Covid-19 pandemic safely completed

It was business as usual for International Nuclear Services as the first shipment since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic was successfully completed.
Crew on board Pacific Egret brought fuel elements from Sweden to Barrow-in-Furness, before a rail transfer to Sellafield site in West Cumbria finished the journey.
The shipment was due to take place in April, but had to be postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak.
A flexible approach to proceedings saw a slick operation completed in Norrköping earlier this month, with the A2 flask being safely transferred to Sellafield.
Pacific Egret is one three specialist vessels operated by INS subsidiary Pacific Nuclear Transport Ltd (PNTL). This was the vessel’s maiden visit to the Swedish port.
Chris Taylor, Operations Engineer for INS, said: “It took fewer than six hours from arrival to departure so a huge amount of credit must go to the teams involved in the extensive planning and preparation of this transfer.”
Pacific Grebe is now in the middle of its second shipment since operations restarted earlier this month.
Following swiftly on from returning three empty flasks from France to Sellafield, it is now transferring high-level waste in the form of vitrified residues to Germany.