Timeline Stories

NDA’s transport subsidiaries are brought together to create Nuclear Transport Solutions (NTS)

INS completes the largest removal of nuclear materials as part of a transport from Japan to USA

First vitrified residue return from UK to Japan
First vitrified residue return from UK to Japan

NTS rail
DRS commences the first of many freight services with Eddie Stobarts and Tesco

DRS become a subsidiary of the NDA, with INS becoming an NDA subsidiary in 2008

start of spent fuel drs
The start of spent nuclear fuel transports from UK power stations to Sellafield by DRS

DRS established 1995
DRS is established and starts running low-level waste from Sellafield to Drigg

Thorp reprocessing
Thorp reprocessing begins at Sellafield

10 years of PNTL spent fuel shipments