Unprecedented eighth successive Golden Whistle Award for Direct Rail Services

Direct Rail Services (DRS) has been named ‘The Best Performing Rail Freight Operator’ for the eighth year running at the Golden Whistle Awards.
Now in its 12th year, the awards, organised by the Institute of Railway Operators and in conjunction with Modern Railways Magazine, celebrate operational excellence across the rail industry.
The prestigious Golden Whistles are awarded on the basis of operating statistics and DRS has been, yet again, recognised as the UK’s most reliable freight operator.
In April this year, DRS joined forces with their fellow Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) transport subsidiaries, International Nuclear Services and Pacific Nuclear Transport Ltd, to create Nuclear Transport Solutions (NTS) bringing together its transport expertise and capabilities into a single transport division.
Chris Connelly, NTS Deputy CEO and Rail Director, said: “DRS has received another well-earned Golden Whistle Award which is only made possible by the huge commitment to customer service across the whole business, a real team effort, week on week, month on month and something we never take for granted.
“DRS continues to maintain a track record of delivering commercial freight services arriving on time, at a level above any other freight operator. This is no easy feat and reflects the professionalism and ethos of everyone at NTS.”
Seth Kybird, NTS CEO, added: “This award is even more significant as the last 12 months have been challenging for everyone but the team have really gone above and beyond to ensure we deliver for our customers.
“Our aim in NTS is to be the leading global provider of specialist transport to make the world a safer and more sustainable place and this award demonstrates we are on the right track.”